Read more of my story

I’ve been walking with Jesus for a loooong time now, and I love how He still constantly surprises and challenges me.​

God is a God who transforms and renews. One of the areas that he has been transforming me over the last ten years or so is in my understanding of my identity in Him – that as His creation, His child and His friend I have incredible value and worth. In my writing, my teaching and my preaching I love helping other people to understand who God says that they are, and how that can impact their lives. There are no ordinary people, as every one of us is made in His image and has the capacity to be transformed into His likeness as we open ourselves to Him.​

Over the years of my life I have faced significant challenges of loss, grief, illness and struggle as most of us have. In my early twenties as I watched my mum slowly die from cancer, God highlighted Romans 8:28 to me, and it has become my life verse:​

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.​

I love the way that God can and does use everything that happens to us to bring about our good, that nothing is wasted, and that even the hardest experience can be used to bless us. That’s why I love the image of diamonds, precious jewels that are forged from everyday material through heat and pressure.​

In my book and my blog I reflect on diamonds that God has been forging in my life through experiences, through study and through waiting on God. I hope that some of these diamonds will resonate with you.​​

My husband Rob and I live in Toowoomba in regional Queensland, close to our three grown kids and five little grandkids, who all love to hang out at Granny’s house. We are part of HumeRidge Church of Christ, and also serve in the inner healing ministry at Rangeville Community Church, I have a Master of Divinity from Malyon College.






Here's an interview I did, if you prefer video!