Tomorrow, I start a new way of life. My gastroenterologist has suggested that I try a VERY strict diet to manage the Crohn’s he suspects I have. For 6 weeks I have to have half my nutrition from shakes, and I also have to eat 1 piece of chicken, 2 eggs, 2 bananas, 1 apple and 2 potatoes. There are a few other things I can eat, but no dairy, no bread or flour, no caffeine, no alcohol, no soft drinks, no chocolate. It is a radical change to my normal way of eating!! After 6 weeks I can add a few extra foods, and then another 6 weeks I can hopefully resume a more normal way of eating, but assuming it works, I will probably eat the way I always have ever again. It’s very daunting!

As I mentioned in my book, my husband Rob and I have always practiced showing love for each other by making cups of tea and coffee and taking each other breakfast in bed, and I don’t know how we will replace this. I also love the social pleasure of cooking and eating with people, and getting a coffee with a friend. I will have to find new ways to socialise, and to comfort myself when I feel tired or down.

As I reflect on this, I am forced to consider what this means for me spiritually. What am I telling myself, and how can God use this? I remember reading C. S. Lewis saying that when he was forced for health’s sake to limit his diet, he used it as a fast. I am going to try to do the same thing. This diet is not dissimilar to the Daniel Fast, though it does include protein. I hope to try to use this first very limited period as a sort of spiritual retreat, and see what God has to show me as I have to deny myself all my little treats. I have never been good at fasting, and I suspect that I won’t like what I see. As I’ve started to read about fasting, it seems one of the purposes is to reveal hidden sins and harmful attitudes. I know that I will need to work harder to practice gratitude as I choose health over short term pleasures.

My feelings starting this are fear (of how I will cope), resentment (why do I always have to have health issues – it doesn’t seem fair), hope (that my health will improve) and sadness (I will have to let go of so many things that bring me joy).

I thought I would share this with you. Writing will hopefully help me to see more clearly, and I trust that God will give me something to say!

Hi, I'm Chris!

I'm an Australian Christian author, blogger and speaker who has published one book - Diamonds from the King - which is a book of stories from my life of ways that God has worked to bring precious diamonds from suffering, disappointment and confusion.

I'm a mum, granny and wife and I love spending time with my grown kids and my four and counting grandkids, but my greatest passion is to get to know God better, and to share his wonder with the world.