Writing My Book
As I watch my book go out into the world, I started to reflect on the journey to get to this point. Lots of people have asked me how it happened, and how the process has been.
Writing a book was never on my to-do list. I’ve always loved to talk about God, but I didn’t think I had enough to say for a whole book! I have found the process very challenging, as there have been so many things that I have had to do that have been right out of my comfort zone. Now I am in the marketing stage, that is even more true. I just have to keep trusting God, and being brave.
I first sensed God’s instruction to write a book in late 2016 at an Encounter God retreat run by my church. I don’t remember that much about it, though I know I was sitting outside near the pool, but I remember that the title, “Diamonds from the King” just dropped into my mind. I also got the concept of the book being a series of stand-alone stories describing God’s transforming work in my life and the ‘diamonds’ that he was forming. So, I started to write the stories that came to mind.
Writing happened in fits and starts, as I had time and as ideas came. I was also studying theology and working, so I didn’t always have the energy to give to it. But I plugged away and by early 2018 I had something I was ready to show people.
It was very daunting allowing others to see it, as the stories are quite personal and I feared their reaction, but I took up courage and sent it out. I had some really encouraging reactions, so I started contacting publishers. I had good initial responses, but when I had to say how big a social media following I had and how many conferences I was speaking at (none) they decided it wasn’t worth the risk. So I started looking into self-publishing. At first I got quite excited, and paid a graphic designer to make a cover and started to format the book. But then I got overwhelmed by all the details, and kept stalling. I was also going through a hard time personally and doing the higher level subjects in my Masters of Divintiy, so I dropped my bundle and just let it sit for a while.
In mid-2019 a good friend who is an editor offered to edit my book for free. It took her a while, as she is a mum with young kids, so she gave it back to me early 2020. She did an amazing job, but I felt quite overwhelmed by all the changes, and I could only process a bit at a time. It didn’t help that in first semester 2020 I was working on my Masters project – Greek exegesis of the household code in 1 Peter – which required very different type of thinking, and it was COVID, and my hip was giving me terrible pain. I ended up having a hip replacement in mid-2020, as soon as elective surgery was allowed. I finished my Master of Divinity at the end of 2020, and told everyone that I would be self-publishing my book early in 2021. But then we decided to sell our home of 23 years in Brisbane and move to Toowoomba, where our kids had all ended up. Our three very young grandchildren were the biggest pull! This, of course, took a lot of time and emotional energy, and of course the book took the back seat again. Every time I looked at self-publishing it just seemed too hard, and I simply didn’t have the energy. But then, in October 2021, a friend published his book with Ark House press, and he suggested I contact them. I did, they took my book, and after all the to-ing and fro-ing it has finally been released!
There were so many times it would have been easy to give up, but I couldn’t let go of the belief that this was something that God really wanted me to do. I feel a bit embarrassed that it has taken so long, but now feels like just the right time for it to happen.
God’s timing is so different to our timing. He does things so differently to what we expect. I can be in a hurry, but he’s never in a hurry. While there were lots of choices that I made that slowed the book down, it also seems in retrospect that the timing is just perfect. The book is a much more powerful book than it would have been if I had released my original 2018 version, and now I have the time and energy that I need to invest in promoting it.
Are you sitting on a dream that God has planted in your heart? Are you discouraged that it is taking much longer than you imagined? Don’t be discouraged. In the fullness of time, in just the right time, it will come to fruition, maybe not quite as you expected, but it will be good.

Hi, I'm Chris!
I'm an Australian Christian author, blogger and speaker who has published one book - Diamonds from the King - which is a book of stories from my life of ways that God has worked to bring precious diamonds from suffering, disappointment and confusion.
I'm a mum, granny and wife and I love spending time with my grown kids and my four and counting grandkids, but my greatest passion is to get to know God better, and to share his wonder with the world.
An insightful read into what you have been through to get to where you are with your book Chris. You really are a wonderful inspiration to so many. I have always loved your joy and positive get the job done attitude to life. Your love for your family and especially your love for God are a beautiful testimony to who He created you to be. Looking forward to a great read. Luv an hugs Tracey
Thanks so much lovely lady!